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Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumors of an unclear cause; Fibroids tend to react to the femaleoestrogen and progesterone hormones. Uterine fibroid affects the female reproductive tract withprevalence (25%-80%) and cumulative incidence of 20-40% of women's reproductive life. They areresponsible for significant morbidity, which has also hurt the reproductive system and quality oflife (1&2)Diagnosis of uterine fibroid can be achieved by clinical examination and confirmed by transvaginalultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, sono-hysterography, hysteron-scope, and themethod of choices which is the Magnetic resonance (3)In addition to the surgery, there is an alternative treatment for the uterine fibroid available fromthe radiology; it is a treatment known as uterine artery embolization (UAE), which was reported asa treatment of Uterine fibroid in 1995 by Ravina et al. (4). Based on the study, the main advantages of UAE treatment are safe, low degree of invasiveness, not affect the ovarian impound, and short hospitalization period (5&6)Recently, the radiologist has a mini-invasive procedure regarding uterine fibroid, including uterine artery embolization (UAE) guided by magnetic resonance (6). Uterine artery embolization (UFE) isa common procedure and generally accepted as an alternative to surgery for symptomatic uterine fibroid when it comes to uterine preservation. Radiologists used fluoroscopy agents to lead the embolic agent to the uterine fibroid to block the uterine artery from providing the blood to the fibroids and shrink them (7)

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020

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