GCC Model: Conflict Management for the Greater Albania

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On the one hand, Albanians desire Greater Albania; on the other hand, they know it is very difficult in today's international circumstances. To say the least, Albania, Kosovo and Albanian part of Macedonia yearn for it according to the survey held in Albania in 2010. Macedonia will be an "Albanian majority country" in the next two decades. Albanians think to "eliminate the borders among them" with the mild way: becoming a member to the EU. "Removing the borders by being a member of the EU” is so optimistic idea that it will take at least 2-3 decades and Kosovo will be ambiguous; because five EU members will not recognize it due to their internal reasons. The mid-way for Albanians and regional countries could be an establishment of a mini-regional economic and political organization, at least among these three countries like GCC. This will not harm EU relations and membership like the Benelux countries within the EU today, but it will rather assist these countries to be more powerful on the negotiating table with the EU and in world affairs.
Original languageEnglish
Article number4
Pages (from-to)175-186
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Social Sciences
Publication statusPublished - Apr 15 2012


  • Greater Albania, Balkan Issues, Conflict Management, Gulf Cooperation Council, European Union, Minorities in the Balkans

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Political Science and International Relations

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