The hypersaline gulf: A model study of potential impacts of seawater desalination on the marine environment

H. H. Al-Barwani*, A. Purnama

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

2 Citations (Scopus)


Seawater desalination is the main and reliable source of water supply for the Gulf countries to sustain and allow the continuing long-term socio-economic development. Building more desalination plants and increasing water production rates appears to be the answer to satisfy the rapidly increasing future water demands, with an estimated annual rate of around 15%. Of all the world's multi-national bodies of water, the Gulf itself is a uniquely small scale, almost enclosed sea and its marine environment conditions are deteriorating rapidly due to substantial construction along the shores and offshore regions, which involve sea bottom dredging for material and its deposition in shallow water to extend land for homes, recreation and industrial facilities, thus altering its coastline. Due to its location in a subtropical, hyper-arid region, its water is naturally characterized by higher temperature and salinity leading to hypersaline conditions. Therefore, any further additional loss of water by desalination plants and returned brine reject could result in increases to the Gulf's salinity, above the already high existing level. The potential impacts of seawater desalination are evaluated using a mathematical model for a semi-enclosed sea of simple geometry.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Marine Environment
Subtitle of host publicationEcology, Management and Conservation
PublisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)9781612092652
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2011


  • Arabian Gulf
  • Evaporation
  • Hypersaline
  • Mathematical model
  • Seawater desalination
  • Semi-enclosed sea

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Environmental Science


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