Teachers' Attitudes towards Selected Foreign Language Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Practices

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The paper reports a study undertaken to investigate EFL teachers' attitudes towards
selected curriculum, instruction and assessment practices with reference to teaching
English as a foreign language in relation to their demographic characteristics. The study
aimed to find out whether there were significant differences in their attitudes in relation
to nationality, age, teaching experience, educational qualifications and the level taught.
The subjects completed a questionnaire (adapted from Wolf, Jr. and Riordan, 1991)
comprising 20 statements to which they responded on a 5-point scale of agreement. Item
reliability, overall mean score, mean scores for the variables, and t-test were used to
interpret the data. The main findings of the study are reported with implications for both
pre-service and in-service training.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberISSN: 1511-8002
JournalTeachers' Attitudes towards Selected Foreign Language Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Practices
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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