Smartphone Addiction Reasons and Solutions from the Perspective of Sultan Qaboos University Undergraduates: A Qualitative Study

HafidhNaeema AlBarashdi, Naeema H. Jabur

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study attempted to sketch out the diverse addiction reasons and solutions among Sultan Qaboos University undergraduates. The data were collected through focus group discussions in which 16 SQU undergraduates participated voluntarily. Thematic data analysis was conducted to draw out qualitative data. The results revealed two main reasons behind students’ Smartphone addiction related to students themselves and to Smartphone manufacturers. The results also suggested three main solutions for the problem of Smartphone addiction related to the students themselves, the university and the families.

(19) Smartphone Addiction Reasons and Solutions from the Perspective of Sultan Qaboos University Undergraduates: A Qualitative Study. Available from: [accessed Nov 23 2017].
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational journal of psychology and behavior analysis
Issue number113
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Smartphone addiction, Smartphone


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