Pregnant Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Seeking Help from Health Care Professionals: A Jordanian Qualitative Study: A Jordanian Qualitative Study

Jalal Kayed Mustafa Damra, Sanaa Abujulban

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30 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this study was to explore the experiences
of pregnant women disclosing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
and seeking help from Health Care Professionals (HCPs) at
public Hospitals in Jordan. Semi-structured interviews were
conducted with 25 pregnant women. The findings revealed that

the women were not satisfied with the care providers’ proce-
dures, responses, or follow-up. Women also preferred to discuss

IPV issues with females, experts, and same age or older HCPs.

Lack of privacy, continuity of care, time constraints, and bar-
riers for disclosing were dominant themes that emerged from

women’s contacts with HCPs. Women felt more able to dis-
close IPV if they were confident that circumstances would be

safe enough to do so. HCPs require specialized and structured
training programs in IPV screening and case management.
Original languageEnglish
Article number10.1007/s10896-015-9720-z
Pages (from-to)807-816
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Family Violence
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Gender based violence . Barriers for disclosing . Response and support

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