Pattern of childhood meningitis in Oman

Roshan L. Koul*, Alexander Chacko

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: To see the pattern of various types of childhood (below 14 years) meningitis at Sultan Qaboos University hospital. Methods: Medical records of children with diagnosis of meningitis, encephalitis, febrile convulsions and encephalopathies were reviewed. The diagnosis was based on clinical features and cerebro spinal fluid findings. Results: Eight five cases of meningitis were seen in a tertiary hospital over a period of 5 years. Seventy six cases (89.4%) were purulent meningitis, seven (8.2%) were aseptic meningitis and 2.3% had fungal meningitis. Recurrent meningitis was observed in four cases (4.7%). There was no case of tuberculous meningitis. Eighty three percent (82.9%) cases of purulent meningitis were under 2 years of age. Sex distribution was almost equal in them (39 males, 37 females) with the mean age at presentation being 15.7 months and 20.6 months respectively. Twenty cases (28.2%) had positive cerebrospinal fluid culture, 35% being Hemophilus influenza type b. Forty eight percent cases received 10 days of antibiotics and 18.4% more than 14 days. Third generation cephalosporins were used in 76.3% cases, while penicillins in 32.9%. Twenty eight (36.8%) cases had Computerized Tomography scan of the brain and 20 (71.4%) were abnormal. There were 3 deaths, one each of Hib, Streptococcus pneumonia meningitis and Cryptococcus neoforman meningitis. Conclusion: Purulent meningitis was the most common type (89.4%) and 83% were below 2 years age. There was no case of tuberculous meningitis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)432-436
Number of pages5
JournalSaudi Medical Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1998


  • Aseptic recurrent
  • Bacterial
  • Children
  • Hospital
  • Meningitis
  • Oman

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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