Key factors to instructors' satisfaction of learning management systems in blended learning

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

93 Citations (Scopus)


Learning Management System (LMS) enables institutions to administer their educational resources, and support their traditional classroom education and distance education. LMS survives through instructors' continuous use, which may be to a great extent associated with their satisfaction of the LMS. Consequently, this study examined the key factors that influence the instructors' satisfaction of LMS in blended learning, and how this satisfaction is related to their intention to continuously use LMS in blended learning and purely for distance education. These investigated factors are related to instructors' individual characteristics (computer anxiety, technology experience and personal innovativeness), LMS characteristics (system quality, information quality and service quality), and organizational characteristics (management support, incentives policy and training). The findings indicated that computer anxiety, personal innovativeness, system quality, information quality, management support, incentives policy and training are key factors to instructors' satisfaction of LMS in blended learning. Furthermore, instructors' satisfaction is a significant determinant of their continuous intention to use LMS in blended learning, and their intention to purely use LMS for distance education.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)18-39
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Computing in Higher Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2012


  • Blended learning
  • Critical factors to LMS
  • Instructors' satisfaction
  • Learning management system
  • e-learning

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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