Clouding Behavior of C 13 EO x (x = 10–19) Micelles in a Wide Range of Salinity and Hardness: Concomitant Effects of Salinity and Degree of Ethoxylation

Maissa Souayeh, Mohamed Aoudia*, Rashid S. Al-Maamari

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1 Citation (Scopus)


The effect of salinity and degree of ethoxylation on the cloud point, T cp , in C 13 EO x (x = 10–19) micelles was investigated in distilled water and in the salinity range S = 1.96–196 g L −1 . At a fixed x value, the rate dT cp /dS was given by dT cp /dS = α b + β b S with α b < 0 and β b > 0. This trend suggests that dT cp /dS is the result of two opposing effects, an entirely (negative) surfactant-dependent effect (α b ) and a combined (positive) surfactant-solvent (β b S)-dependent effect. In addition, the rate dT cp /dS was found to become increasingly less negative with increasing salinity (dT cp /dS) < 0), suggesting an overwhelming contribution of the α b effect as compared to the β b S effect. On the other hand, at fixed S, the rate was given by dT cp /dx = α x + β x x with α x > 0 and β x < 0. This trend also suggests the existence of two opposing effects, a strictly (positive) solvent-dependent effect (α x ) and a concomitant solvent (β x )-surfactant (x)-dependent effect. Contrary to dT cp/ dS, the rate dT cp /dx was found to become increasingly less positive with increasing x values (dT cp /dx > 0), suggesting that α x is the dominant factor in the surfactants’ susceptibility to be salted in. Both constants α b and α x were attributed to a dual temperature-salinity effect on the structure of water molecules not involved in surfactant's hydration. On the other hand, β b and β x were associated with the change in the structure of water due to the dehydration of surfactants’ oxyethylene moieties with increasing temperature.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-283
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Surfactants and Detergents
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019


  • Cloud point
  • Hydrogen bonding
  • Nonionic surfactants
  • Salting-in effect
  • Salting-out effect
  • Solvent effect
  • Surfactant effect

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemical Engineering
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Surfaces, Coatings and Films


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