A reservoir management tool for an omani fractured carbonate reservoir: A case study

S. Ibrahim, Al Sinani, Rashid S. Al Maamari, Majid A. Al Wadhahi, Wan F. Paino

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This paper presents a case study of developing a reservoir management tool (a water coning correlation) to monitor the oil rim thickness and position in a giant densely fractured carbonate reservoir in Northern Oman. The production mechanism in the field is Gas Oil Gravity Drainage (GOGD), with crestal gas injection to maintain the reservoir pressure and dedicated aquifer pump-off wells to control the oil rim position. As the field is produced from a thin oil rim in the fractures network primarily through open-hole horizontal wells, it is crucial to keep the oil rim fixed and at such depth and thickness so that coning and cusping of water and gas into the oil producing wells is minimal. In this study, two approaches; analytical and numerical were used to develop a correlation between produced water rate and distance of the measured Fracture Oil Water Contact (FOWC) from the well perforations. From the numerical simulation model, a correlation between the water rate produced from a horizontal well in a fractured reservoir and the distance between the FOWC and the well SHUIRUDWLRQV ZDV GHYHORSHG 7KH GHYHORSHG FRUUHODWLRQ IURP WKH VLPXODWLRQ PRGHO FRXOGQ¶W EH correlated with measured contacts data due to the improper fracture connectivity between the observation wells and the oil producers. However, a reasonable match was obtained between the fluid contacts from the developed correlation and the estimated contacts using the measured gas and water pressure data. The developed correlation could be further improved by incorporating the fine fracture details around the well in the simulation model. This correlation could be used on a monthly basis to estimate the location of FOWC nearby the oil producer from the tested water rate. This will yield a better oil rim management by monitoring the rim position and thickness regularly and therefore produce the field at optimum oil rate. This correlation will also minimize the need for direct measurements of the contacts using the gradio-manometer surveys and hence reduce the operational cost.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Petroleum Technology Conference 2011, IPTC 2011
PublisherInternational Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC)
ISBN (Print)9781613991480
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventInternational Petroleum Technology Conference 2011, IPTC 2011 - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: Nov 15 2011Nov 17 2011

Publication series

NameInternational Petroleum Technology Conference 2011, IPTC 2011


OtherInternational Petroleum Technology Conference 2011, IPTC 2011

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Fuel Technology
  • Geochemistry and Petrology
  • Geophysics
  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology


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