دَورُ العنَاصِرِ غَيْرِ الإِسْنَادِيَّةِ في بناءِ النَّصِّ لدى الشَّاعرِ يُوسُف أبو سَعْد: The role of non-attributive elements in the construction of the text by the poet Yusuf Abu Saad

Translated title of the contribution: The role of non-attributive elements in the construction of the text by the poet Yusuf Abu Saad

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Title of this research"the role of non-attributive elements in the construction of the text by the poet Yusuf Abu Saad
This research comes from the premise that the two sides of attribution may contribute with supplements to the construction of the text, whether it is a contribution to the construction at the level of grammatical structure, within the framework of what the creator wanted from a certain meaning, or at the level of poetic texture, in the poetic text, where the demands of both filling, presentation and multiplication, those demands associated with what the poet seeks to focus on a meaning, using a certain grammatical function, and a specific lexical vocabulary, commensurate with the textual meaning . The researcher seeks to emphasize that the complements that he referred to by virtue in the mayor's interview may depend on the meaning of them, since there is a difference between the grammatical system and the linguistic event . Since this is the case, I would like to point out that the effect of these wastes, supplements or non-attributive elements in their sentence may lie in the length of the construction depending on the meaning intended, which is referred to as the length of restriction, the length of dependency, the length of succession, the length of multiplicity, the length of arrangement, and the length of objection, in addition to the fact that these wastes are a means contributing to the interconnection of the parts of the sentence, in addition to the interconnection between the two elements of attribution, which the research sought to show its features in the poetry of the Saudi poet Al-hasai Yusuf Abdul Latif Abu Saad; part of what is considered to be the rooting of the works of Yusuf Abi Saad, in addition to being proud of his balance, within the pride of the balance of our Arab nation
Moreover, since these scraps are in the context of the actual sentence and the nominal sentence, and within the nominal compound, and since the forum participating in this research has required a specific number of pages, this research has been limited to the non-attributive elements within the framework of the actual sentence, in terms of their limitation of the verb on one hand, their multiplicity , and their subordination, indicating their role in the text, or the wisdom of using them for the poet, in terms of the length of the sentence and its interconnectedness , and its relationship to the meaning and poetic texture of the poet, within the framework of the above understanding, following the method Descriptive analytical, relying on his complete poetic collection, in its first edition, issued by the modern struggle presses, 1418 Ah - 1419 ah, and his book "taqasim on the boats of days", in its first edition, issued by the Literary Club of the eastern region, 1412 Ah-1991 ad . Based on the above, the first of them was entitled "restricting the act to non-attributive elements", and included nine demands, namely:restricting the act to its object, the object in it, the object for it, the object with it, the absolute effect, the case, the excluded, distinguishing the proportion, neighbor and neighbor. The second topic was entitled "The dependence of non-attributive elements and their multiplicity, and includes six demands, namely:the multiplicity of the object, its role in the text, the multiplicity of the case, its role in the text, the dependence of the participle and its multiplicity, its role in the text, the dependence of the affirmation, its role in the text, the dependence of the conjunction and its multiplicity, its role in the text, the dependence of the allowance, and its role in the text .
As for the conclusion, it included the most important research results, and one of them included that the constraints of the verb have an impact on the elongation of the compositions by Youssef Abu Saad, which is the same in terms of the length of dependence, and the length of multiplicity; and therefore it is not an absurd elongation, its goal is to reach the straightness of the Prosody and rhyme of the rhyme only, as some passers-by Believe on the text . Rather, it was an intentional elongation, so it was a means to an end, which was limited to creativity and pleasure at the same time, by denoting some meaning, to which the poet intended, that is, in accordance with his intention, so these restrictions, multiple or non-multiple, as well as the dependencies, had an impact on the meaning, depending on the variety of the constraint or dependent, besides contributing to the she comes to complete the house, but the house is built on her, and she cannot Dispense with it in it .
It turned out that the verb constraints of Yusuf Abu Saad do not dispense with speech, they are not mentioned and deleted either, but they were a constraint of the verb, indicating the reason for its occurrence, accompanying its occurrence, confirming it, indicating its type, or served as a container for the event, and other things that fall within the framework of the interest of the linguistic event – or the area from which the grammatical system – With some scraps, it was the end and the intention, which applies to what came as a multiple or non-multiple Follower, and this emphasizes the role of grammar in the analysis of the text, and The Associated semantic potential .
It turned out that the non-attributive element is a limitation of what it is related to, and accordingly the elements in question were correlated with what they revolve in its orbit, and their relationship to other parts of the sentence was through their syntactic relations with what they are related to . Since it is not necessary that these elements are directly related to the two elements of attribution together, they have sometimes been associated with what they are complementary to, subordinate to, or restricted to, which has led to the observation that what these elements complement, follow, or restrict may be non-attributive .
The conclusions were rolled to the end of the conclusion, which was followed by a list, which included research sources and references.

Translated title of the contributionThe role of non-attributive elements in the construction of the text by the poet Yusuf Abu Saad
Original languageArabic
Article number74
Pages (from-to)212-320
Number of pages108
Journalالثقافة والتنمية
Issue number74
Publication statusPublished - Nov 1 2013


  • the role of non-attributive elements
  • Youssef Abu Saad
  • Prosody and rhyme
  • Multiplicity length
  • Length of dependency
  • The grammatical system

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