بنية الاغتراب الوظيفي ومستواه لدى المعلمين بالمدارس الحكومية في سلطنة عمان: دراسة تحليلية استكشافية

Translated title of the contribution: The structure and level of job alienation among teachers in governmental schools in the Sultanate of Oman: An exploratory analysis study

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The study aimed to reveal the structure of job alienation among teachers in government schools in Oman through the scale developed by Eryilmaz (2010) on a sample of (403) teachers in government schools, and the exploratory factor analysis was used in the basic components method, and descriptive statistics were used. The study found that the level of job alienation among teachers is low, and its dimensions were ranked in descending order according to the mean as follows: disability, isolation and Normlessness, absence of support from others, and meaninglessness. It also found that there are no statistically significant differences between the responses of the study sample individuals in all dimensions of alienation, as well as in the job alienation as a whole according to the gender variable, While there are statistically significant differences between the responses of the study sample in all dimensions of job alienation, except for the second dimension (isolation and non-standard) according to years of experience, in favor of less years of experience, and there are no statistically significant differences between the responses of the study sample in the first and second dimensions for job alienation according to the educational circle variable, while there are differences in the third and fourth dimensions, and job alienation as a whole, and for knowledge in favor of teachers in the first cycle of basic education (1-4).
Keywords: job alienation, teachers in government schools, the exploratory factor analysis.

Translated title of the contributionThe structure and level of job alienation among teachers in governmental schools in the Sultanate of Oman: An exploratory analysis study
Original languageArabic
JournalJournal of Educational Sciences
Volume، مج. 28، ع. 3، ج. 7
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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