اللُّغة الشِّعرية وعلاقتها بالمعنى النَّصِّيِّ من خلال القول بالضَّرورة لدى ابن الشَّجريِّ فيما يتصل بالفصل بين المُتضامين أو حَذْف أحدهما: Poetic language and its relationship to the textual meaning by arguing the poetic license to Ibn al-Shajari" with regard to disjunction or deletion of two collocations.

Translated title of the contribution: The poetic language and its relationship to the textual meaning through Ibn al-Shjari's sayings of necessity in his book (Al-Amali), with regard to separating the two synonyms or the deletion of one of them

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This research deals with the poetic language and its relationship to the textual meaning through Ibn al-Shjari's sayings of necessity in his book (Al-Amali), with regard to separating the two synonyms or the deletion of one of them. This is within the framework of the researcher’s opinion, which lies in the fact that what is called poetic necessity should be dealt with as a characteristic of the language of poetry that differs from the language of prose, and that these grammatical functions are the subject of the so-called necessity that the recipient should understand, indicating their relationship to the textual meaning, that meaning that includes both prosody and rhyme; Because both of them are part of the textual meaning in the poetic text.
In dealing with that, it followed the descriptive approach taken from the analysis as a tool for it. It described the positions of the grammatical adverbs in the words of Ibn al-Shajari and analyzed them in the light of the language of poetry and the jurisprudence of grammatical signs linked to its textual context. And then the research came in an introduction, a preface, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of sources and references, and the research concluded that everything that Ibn al-Shajari interpreted as being a necessity was not a necessity, but rather it is one of the characteristics of the language of poetry indicating a meaning, and the recipient must strive in his statement with what he was given of skills, as mentioned in the research.
Keywords: poetic language - textual meaning - poetic necessity - interval -deletion - Ibn al-Shjari
Translated title of the contributionThe poetic language and its relationship to the textual meaning through Ibn al-Shjari's sayings of necessity in his book (Al-Amali), with regard to separating the two synonyms or the deletion of one of them
Original languageArabic
Article number1
Pages (from-to)5
Number of pages18
Issue number2
Early online dateSept 28 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Sept 28 2022


  • poetic language
  • textual meaning
  • poetic necessity
  • interval
  • deletion
  • Ibn al-Shjari

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