الإعداد القبليّ للمعلم " طرق إعداد المعلِّمين في كليات ومعاهد المعلمين وبعض الصعوبات التي تواجههم فـي تخطيط الدروس اليومية:  Pre-teacher preparation "Methods of preparing teachers in teachers' colleges and institutes and some of the difficulties they face in planning daily lessons

Translated title of the contribution:  Pre-teacher preparation "Methods of preparing teachers in teachers' colleges and institutes and some of the difficulties they face in planning daily lessons

فايز تركي, رضا متولي نور الدين

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The teacher is an important element of any educational system, and therefore his preparation, rehabilitation and training is one of the most important educational processes undertaken by any educational injustice, especially with this tremendous and rapid development in cognitive growth, and even in various areas of life, and with the radical changes the world is witnessing in the field of teacher preparation and development, and changing standards of excellence.
The preparation of the teacher and his preparation for the demands of the profession and the requirements of the times is one of the matters that receive continuous attention in all educational systems and institutions, as no other profession has received the same as the profession of teacher preparation.
Hence the need for the contribution we are about to the above mentioned in a modest study, entitled "Methods of preparing teachers in teachers' colleges and institutes and some of the difficulties they face in planning daily lessons".
The problem of the study can be formulated in the following declarative formula: "Methods of preparing teachers in colleges and institutes of teachers and some of the difficulties they face in planning daily lessons", which can be formulated in the following questions:
1 – What are the common methods of preparing in-service teachers in teachers' institutes and colleges?
2 – What are the difficulties faced by student teachers in preparing daily lessons during the practical education period?
3 – What are the proposed programs for the preparation and qualification of student teachers during the pre-service preparation period?
To answer these questions - through exposure to the literature of educational studies, previous research, and relevant sources and references - this lies in the theoretical framework related to the common preparation programs in the Arab world, the characteristics of the teacher's professional growth, his duties and characteristics, the components of the teaching profession, the criteria for preparing a successful teacher, then the proposed conception of a program to prepare the student teacher before the service, and then the list of sources and references.
Translated title of the contribution Pre-teacher preparation "Methods of preparing teachers in teachers' colleges and institutes and some of the difficulties they face in planning daily lessons
Original languageArabic
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - Nov 11 2008

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