رَبْطُ الجملة الفرعية بالضَّمير أو بالواو ودوره في تماسك النَّص " دراسة في كافوريات المتنبي ": Binding the subordinate clause to the pronoun or palawu and its role in the coherence of the text, a study in Al-mutanabi's kafuriyat

Translated title of the contribution: Binding the subordinate clause to the pronoun or palawu and its role in the coherence of the text, a study in Al-mutanabi's kafuriyat

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Binding is a verbal presumption, which aims to achieve a communication relationship between the interrelated, and since the syntax is part of speech – and this is what the creator means – there must be a bind, Binding it to the other part in many places, and this Binding is divided into Binding with the pronoun in the sentence case, adjective, ... Etc
Since the binds contribute a large share to the formation of meaning in the poetry of Al-mutanabi, in addition to the status of his poetry, which filled the world and occupied people, this research in Binding the sentence to what is predicate about him with pronoun and wow without the rest of the verbal and non-verbal binds was a research limitation; in order to identify the expressive characteristics of Binding with pronoun and wow, and their role in the compatibility of the grammatical system with the poetic weave; and then straightening their impact in the direction of rhyme correctness, i.e., indicating the extent of their role in achieving the appearance of the text ( cohesion ) and the world of text ( coherence), through the descriptive analytical method, accompanied by statistics, with the reflection of this statistics and comparing each other whenever It was possible to come up with some expressive features as a result of this comparison, and the role of this in the semantic aspect, and then in ( cohesion and coherence . The nature of this research necessitated that it be a preface, a preface, and three sections.
Translated title of the contributionBinding the subordinate clause to the pronoun or palawu and its role in the coherence of the text, a study in Al-mutanabi's kafuriyat
Original languageArabic
Article number 41
Pages (from-to) 9-91
Number of pages84
Journalعلوم اللغة دار غريب للنشر والتوزيع القاهرة
Volume 41
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1 2008

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