المصروفُ عن مثالٍ إلى آخر وعلاقته بالتَّداولية لدى ابن الأنباري في كتابه (الزاهر في معاني كلمات الناس): المصروفُ عن مثالٍ إلى آخر وعلاقته بالتَّداولية لدى ابن الأنباري في كتابه (الزاهر في معاني كلمات الناس)The accrual from one example to another and its relationship to deliberativeness according to Ibn al-Anbari in his book (Al-Zahir fi Ma’ani Kalimat al-Nas)

Translated title of the contribution: The accrual from one example to another and its relationship to deliberativeness according to Ibn al-Anbari in his book (Al-Zahir fi Ma’ani Kalimat al-Nas): Semantics and morphology

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This research is entitled “The expenditure from morphological construction to another and its relation to pragmatics according to Ibn al-Anbari in his book (Al-Zahir fi Ma’ani Kalimat al-Nas).” It follows Ibn al-Anbari’s references to morphological construction that have been disposed of - that is, they were modified from an original,not based on a morphological analogy - from one morphological structure to another, and to indicate his position on them and their relationship to the textual meaning in terms of use or circulation. Moreover, this is in light of the descriptive-analytical method, where the book (Al-Zahir) was extrapolated and classified, and then some of them were dealt with in light of the writings of the ancients and moderns, with reference to others.
This is in view of the fact that the problematic relationship of this exchange or renunciation to the meaning is discussed and the extent of Ibn al-Anbari’s addition to this part; Therefore, the research came in an introduction, a preface, and three sections, the first of which is “ the expenditure from passive participle or mufealh to faeil or faeilih or active participle”, the second is “the expenditure from - mufeil to faeil”, and the third is “the expenditure from fuewl to faeil ”, then the conclusion included the most important results and recommendations, followed by a list of sources and references.
One of the most important results is that each formula has a semantic value associated with it, and it is not permissible in any case to abandon it, or to allow others to perform it; because the alternative form does not carry as much significance as the expenditure form. In addition to the fact that the expenditure has a meaning in the expenditure form that is intended to be used with the beneficiary of the original form in a certain context.
Key words: The expenditure - Pragmatics - Ibn al-Anbari - The Zahir – Passive participle – Faeil – Active participle - Mufeil - Faewl .
Translated title of the contribution The accrual from one example to another and its relationship to deliberativeness according to Ibn al-Anbari in his book (Al-Zahir fi Ma’ani Kalimat al-Nas): Semantics and morphology
Original languageArabic
Pages (from-to)1
Number of pages23
Publication statusAccepted/In press - Aug 26 2022

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