A proposed Strategy for the activation of voluntary work in educational institutions as an added value in light of the requirements of sustainable human development in the Sultanate of Oman

  • Al-Ani, Wajeha (PI)

المشروع: Other project

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-The executive Summary: Voluntary work, as a social practice and social service provider, represents one of the key features and main pillars in building and sustaining a civil society. Besides, volunteer work is a human practice that reflects the conscience of the society due to its association with every sense of the goodness and virtue of humanitarian work. The absence of clear vision for volunteerism in accordance with the educational system and its organizational structure and cultural fabric of society is one of the most prominent obstacles to maintaining unity, effectiveness, integration and development of society. Based on these facts, Sultan Qaboos Prize for Volunteer Work was launched in February 2011, which reflects the importance of volunteerism as a means for the development of Omani society socially, economically and culturally; and also considered as added value to development efforts within the community. Given the diversity of the areas of volunteer work and the multiplicity of patterns, forms and types; limiting the voluntary work in the Sultanate to the activities of Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) and charities which confined their work in raising money and do not include other vital areas of economic, social, educational, cultural and health, is not compatible with the concept of volunteer work and its objectives and diverse fields that involves all the institutions of society. From this point, this research project aims to develop an integrated national strategy for voluntary work in the Sultanate of Oman because of its added value and positive impact in the sustainable human development process and its requirements, through the following objectives: 1- Provide empirical data about the reality of voluntary work of different types, fields and forms in the Sultanate of Oman. 2- Provide unified measurement tools -of high credibility- to measure the motives of the Omani society members for voluntary work of all groups and demographic characteristics. 3- Set a digital classification and voluntary work characterization in the Omani society, and publish it in an electronic directory that includes e-file for each volunteer across the Sultanate of Oman. 4- Analyze the role of voluntary work in educational institutions and its relationship to sustainable human development in the Sultanate of Oman. 5- Develop a proposed strategy with implementation mechanisms for voluntary work in the Sultanate of Oman that includes training, educational and developmental programs guide in the field of voluntary work with the implementation mechanisms to serve mission of the Sultanate of Oman in the light of sustainable development. The study population consists of all male and female youth enrolled in government and private higher education institutions, about (88705) individuals; employees of NGOs and charities in Sultanate of Oman, about (123) volunteer foundations; Winners of Sultan Qaboos Prize for Volunteer Work in its first and second cycles; and (100) local and international specialist and expert in the field of voluntary work. The research methodology in this project is based on the Triangulation method in the analysis of the phenomenon studied, using three integrated research tools to collect quantitative and qualitative data. This method will be used because the diversity nature of the variables and factors involved in voluntary work and its social, economic and cultural impact on the society. The research tools are: 1- Volunteer Motivation Inventory (VMI), a global scale in the field of voluntary work. It will be customized according to the cultural context of the Omani society. 2- International Standard Classification of Occupation, a global measure used in the classification of voluntary work patterns according to standardized criteria approved by the (UN General Assembly, 2001). It will be customized according to the cultural context of the Omani society. 3- Interview form for experts who will be interviewed which will be related to the subject of study. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program will used in the analysis the quantitative data and (NVivo) program will be used in the analysis of qualitative data. It is expected that this project will provide data and important information to professionals in the Sultanate of Oman that could be used in the planning of voluntary work programs and projects that serve the Omani society in all its sectors and classes, and improve the value of voluntary work and activating the participation of educational institutions and measure the economic dimension and the added value of the voluntary work and its relationship to sustainable development in the Sultanate of Oman, which support the community and the political participation and interest to the voluntary work.

Layman's description

-The executive Summary: Voluntary work, as a social practice and social service provider, represents one of the key features and main pillars in building and sustaining a civil society. Besides, volunteer work is a human practice that reflects the conscience of the society due to its association with every sense of the goodness and virtue of humanitarian work. The absence of clear vision for volunteerism in accordance with the educational system and its organizational structure and cultural fabric of society is one of the most prominent obstacles to maintaining unity, effectiveness, integration and development of society. Based on these facts, Sultan Qaboos Prize for Volunteer Work was launched in February 2011, which reflects the importance of volunteerism as a means for the development of Omani society socially, economically and culturally; and also considered as added value to development efforts within the community. Given the diversity of the areas of volunteer work and the multiplicity of patterns, forms and types; limiting the voluntary work in the Sultanate to the activities of Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) and charities which confined their work in raising money and do not include other vital areas of economic, social, educational, cultural and health, is not compatible with the concept of volunteer work and its objectives and diverse fields that involves all the institutions of society. From this point, this research project aims to develop an integrated national strategy for voluntary work in the Sultanate of Oman because of its added value and positive impact in the sustainable human development process and its requirements, through the following objectives: 1- Provide empirical data about the reality of voluntary work of different types, fields and forms in the Sultanate of Oman. 2- Provide unified measurement tools -of high credibility- to measure the motives of the Omani society members for voluntary work of all groups and demographic characteristics. 3- Set a digital classification and voluntary work characterization in the Omani society, and publish it in an electronic directory that includes e-file for each volunteer across the Sultanate of Oman. 4- Analyze the role of voluntary work in educational institutions and its relationship to sustainable human development in the Sultanate of Oman. 5- Develop a proposed strategy with implementation mechanisms for voluntary work in the Sultanate of Oman that includes training, educational and developmental programs guide in the field of voluntary work with the implementation mechanisms to serve mission of the Sultanate of Oman in the light of sustainable development. The study population consists of all male and female youth enrolled in government and private higher education institutions, about (88705) individuals; employees of NGOs and charities in Sultanate of Oman, about (123) volunteer foundations; Winners of Sultan Qaboos Prize for Volunteer Work in its first and second cycles; and (100) local and international specialist and expert in the field of voluntary work. The research methodology in this project is based on the Triangulation method in the analysis of the phenomenon studied, using three integrated research tools to collect quantitative and qualitative data. This method will be used because the diversity nature of the variables and factors involved in voluntary work and its social, economic and cultural impact on the society. The research tools are: 1- Volunteer Motivation Inventory (VMI), a global scale in the field of voluntary work. It will be customized according to the cultural context of the Omani society. 2- International Standard Classification of Occupation, a global measure used in the classification of voluntary work patterns according to standardized criteria approved by the (UN General Assembly, 2001). It will be customized according to the cultural context of the Omani society. 3- Interview form for experts who will be interviewed which will be related to the subject of study. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program will used in the analysis the quantitative data and (NVivo) program will be used in the analysis of qualitative data. It is expected that this project will provide data and important information to professionals in the Sultanate of Oman that could be used in the planning of voluntary work programs and projects that serve the Omani society in all its sectors and classes, and improve the value of voluntary work and activating the participation of educational institutions and measure the economic dimension and the added value of the voluntary work and its relationship to sustainable development in the Sultanate of Oman, which support the community and the political participation and interest to the voluntary work.
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